Investigation of goods and services as an effort to secure the nation's economy

Nurdiyanto Nurdiyanto, Amirul Haq Maqdum Wildany


The country's economy plays the most crucial role in building order. This research aims to analyse how goods and services are investigated in building the country's economic security and how an individual, group, or association makes efforts to maintain the country's economic security. The approach taken in this research uses a qualitative approach with the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The data sources in this research come from international journals such as Emerald Insight, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, JSTROW, Taylor and Francis, Proquest, Ovid, and Westlaw. Researchers selected 15 articles from thousands of relevant articles in the last five years. The data collection technique used is tabulating table data containing the name of the researcher, year of publication, publisher, and research findings. The analysis used. The results of this research show that building the country's economic security through investigating goods and services includes carrying out tasks in an orderly manner, working professionally, avoiding unhealthy competition, preventing waste and leakage of state finances, preventing abuse of authority, and does not promise to give anything in return as well as efforts that can be taken such as: reinforcing Indonesia's economic culture, committing to maintaining and managing natural resources and human resources, encouraging infrastructure development, implementing economic diplomacy and building the country's economic strength. In conclusion, national and international collaboration is the priority in building a solid and sustainable economic foundation. So that the country's economic security is maintained by involving various stakeholders, the country can reduce risks to economic security and create an environment conducive to long-term growth and prosperity.


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Nurdiyanto Nurdiyanto (Primary Contact)
Amirul Haq Maqdum Wildany
Nurdiyanto, N., & Wildany, A. H. M. (2024). Investigation of goods and services as an effort to secure the nation’s economy. Bakti Garuda Journal, 1(1), 41–60. Retrieved from
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